General Questions

General Questions

What does the product do?

Saturn is a calendar, first and foremost. We help students keep track of where they need to be and when. Students can share their schedules with their friends to see who's in their classes at the beginning of the year.

Saturn is community-specific, meaning each Saturn community is designed for students at a specific high school who share common schedules. Our Terms of Use require users to be students at the high school community they join on Saturn, and we have measures designed to enforce these provisions. 

Are parents and caregivers allowed on Saturn?

Saturn is designed to be used only by active high school students. While parents, caregivers, educators, and administrators all play an extremely important role in the educational journey of high schoolers, Saturn Terms of Use require all users to be students at the high school community they join on Saturn.

What are the age restrictions to use Saturn?

Our Terms of Use do not allow students under 13 to join Saturn. If you know someone under the age of 13 using Saturn please let us know.

What steps does Saturn take to help users select the correct high school?

Our goal is to enable students to communicate with their peers in their school. We have implemented various processes to identify and remove users who do not comply with our Terms of Use, including the requirement for every user to be an active student at the high school whose Saturn community they join. These processes evolve over time to strike the right balance with accessibility. They depend on a combination of different processes and signals, such as contact book overlap and/or school email and ID checks. We cannot guarantee that every user is an actual student of the high school community they join on Saturn, or that our processes will always identify individuals who try to use Saturn in violation of our Terms of Use and Community Guidelines. If you know of a user who is not supposed to be on Saturn, please report them to us. 

What information does Saturn collect and how does Saturn keep data safe?

We designed our Privacy Policy to be clear about what information we collect, how we use it, and who we share it with. Here are a few highlights:

  • We do not share users’ personal information with advertisers. 

  • You have choices with your data. You can ask us to access, correct, and delete your information. There are some common sense limits on these requests. 

  • You may be prompted to choose whether to share your location data with us. If you choose to, we will use that data to operate, improve, and personalize the app for you. For example, we'll help you select the right high school, and we'll make sure you know about community events.

You should take time to read that entire Privacy Policy. If you have questions about anything in it, just contact us.

How can students manage their privacy settings on Saturn?

Saturn has a number of options to allow users to restrict their profile information from other users on the platform. Privacy settings can be found in the Profile section of the app. Users may also block other users on the app. Our Privacy Policy explains additional privacy choices. 

How does Saturn help create an app experience that is positive and safe from harmful content, addictive algorithms and distractions?

We believe in creating a vibrant and informative environment for all users and their school communities. To do so, we maintain a set of Community Guidelines that function as rules and standards for using our platform.

Saturn is not a space for bullying. We also take mental health very seriously.

Our guidelines encourage positivity and prohibit:

  • Violence

  • Threats

  • Nudity, graphic sexual images or descriptions, or references to child sexual exploitation

  • Promoting self-harm or suicide ideation

If we become aware of content that violates our Community Guidelines, we will remove the content and take appropriate actions with the individual user, which may include banning the user from the Saturn platform.

What steps does Saturn take to keep inappropriate content off the platform?

We maintain rigorous content moderation processes in public forums. We also rely on users reporting content that makes them feel uncomfortable and doesn't have a place on Saturn.

If you see any content that you believe is inappropriate or violates our Community Guidelines, we encourage you to report it. 

There are various ways to report content on Saturn in and outside of the app, as shown on our Reporting Guide. If you are a parent and have become aware of content that impacts you or a user, please bring it to our attention by filling this form. Once a violation is reported, it is sent to a member of our dedicated Safety team for review. If you make a report, please know we may contact you to follow up, but will make every effort to keep your identity confidential.

We reserve the right to decide what content is permitted on the platform, and these rules may change over time. Violations of our Community Guidelines may result in limited access to or full removal from the platform, at Saturn's discretion on the basis of severity.

How does Saturn respond to emergencies?

Through our content moderation practices, we are committed to escalating emergencies. If we believe there is a risk of imminent harm, we may take steps to assist, like reaching out directly to administrations, law enforcement, or crisis resources. We also aim to support and collaborate with administrators as needed to resolve any questions expeditiously. Please contact us at if you require immediate assistance.

Who can use Saturn?

Who can use Saturn?

Are parents and teachers allowed on Saturn?

What steps does Saturn take to verify that users who interact with each other on Saturn go to the same high school?

What happens if I'm not verified?

User Privacy

User Privacy

I am not a Saturn user. Why did I receive a text message from Saturn?

My child signed up for Saturn. How can I access their data?

What information does Saturn collect and how does Saturn keep data safe?

How can students manage their privacy settings on Saturn?

Does Saturn collect personal information about teachers?

Keeping Users Safe

Keeping Users Safe

How does Saturn ensure a postive and safe experience on the app?

How does Saturn help promote positive and appropriate content on the platform?

How can I report content on Saturn?

How does Saturn respond to emergencies?